Dienstag, 7. September 2010

Play your 3-D Bluray content on any device

Until recently you could play 3D Blurays only on very expensive 3DTV sets with a 3D enabled player and 3D shutter glasses.
That changed when the website biohemmet.se described a way and provided a tool to extract the content of your legaly owned discs to left/right movies to also play on StereoscopicPlayer or with the NVIDIA 3DVISION solution. But even this needed expensive hardware. From this version of 3DBDBuster on, the tool will also offer conversion to the new openKMQ video format as described recently. This opens 3D viewing to any LCD using the over/under viewing method with either the prism viewer KMQ SSG1b or the mirror viewer jpsOneEye.
Find a link to this solution on the right hand column.

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