Sonntag, 2. September 2012

My trueColor3D talk as PDF

PDF of my trueColor3D talk at Campus Party in Berlin.

Freitag, 17. August 2012

Talk and handsOn at the CampusPartyEurope2012 in Berlin

Next friday, I will give a talk about my open source activities (truecolor3D, openKMQ3D, openMy3D, 3dvideocasting, ...) at the Campus Party in Berlin. There's still one free guest ticket (for the full event) to give away.

Montag, 18. Juni 2012

Nice DIY pick from another iOS related Blogger

Two german Bloggers did a DIY project and uploaded it to Youtube (german). They built a cheap wooden rig for two iPhones4/4S to capture 3-D content. Original blog post on

Montag, 30. April 2012

First pics of my DIY 6 view camera rig

Hi everybody! Fifteen months ago, I built this stable alu rig that can take up to six Canon TX1 synched with the mighty Stereo Data Maker. I never used it before, because until this week end I feared to have more than two a/v streams to handle. But I plan to soon start using COSIMA with its video features. I attended a well done talk by Peter Herbig, the creator of COSIMA at the 3Dimensionale in Vienna. The rig was CNC milled from a single metal plate with the Frontplatten-Designer, a simple and free CAD tool provided by the Schaeffer AG. With a few extra nuts, bolts and 90 degree flanges and some foam tube handle bars it forms to this :

Motorola zoom can play trueColor3D over/und clips in portrait mode

I recently took a coach to Vienna to attend the and found myself sitting next to a zoom 1 user. I showed him the KMQ s3D viewing method on my iPad and we also tried to watch one of the KMQ clips on vimeo. After many disappointing failed attempts with older Android tablets who always forced video to landscape orientation, I was surprised - the zoom was able to play a portrait video in portrait orientation.

Freitag, 2. März 2012

How to best watch trueColor3D video clips on Android tablets

I recently saw a trueColor3D video on a Samsung Galaxy Tab using the over/under method similar to my iPad experience.
Unfortunately the native Android Apps for vimeo and Youtube both limit playback to landscape videos, so I recommend to use the webBrowser to visit these sites.
And the limitations of framesizes and bandwidth are more strict as on my old iPad1.
There are some videos that play fine on iOS 4.2 but bring an "unknown" error on Android 2.3.x

If anyone knows more about these obscure limits, please tell me more, so I can finetune the presets of trueColor3D.exe

Mittwoch, 15. Februar 2012

I bet, iPad 3 and AppleTV will both support 3-D

There have been may rumors about the iPad 3 arriving in a few weeks.
None of the usual Ad driven evaporators of such rumors ever mentioned it to also support autostereoscopic viewing. So why should I think it will?

Here are the hints :

Several years ago 3M approached Apple offering their Light Guiding technology that replaces normal edgelit backgroud lighting with one that provides glasses free (autostereo) viewing with a normal LCD pattern. The trick : double frame rate LRLRLR... with alternating LED flashes from left and right edge. Guess what, the iPad3 LCD will have two edges lit by 

James Cameron who set the 3-D standards with Avatar said in 2012 something like :
The path to 3-D distribution is not 3DTV but tablets.

Apple will soon also annouce their own TV after years of negitiations with major film studios.

The widow of Steve Jobs recently stepped back from the stock share Jobs gathered from merging Pixar with Disney. Probably to please Dreamworks and others in joining the Party.

Studios have been very busy to prepare upcoming film releases to fit the Apple pipe. What for if it would just be plain 16:9 and not 3-D (optimized for different screen sizes : 55" and 9.7") ?

So either Apple goes 3-D full steam, or we can continue to use GRilli3D mask films or the over/under viewers to watch trueColor3D movies on our iPads (Gen 1 2 3)

Meanwhile the new iPad was introduced, without native 3-D.
A last chance would be, they don't tell anybody about either built-in 3M backlight or interlaced quarterwave layer in the display and enable this with a big bang in a few months

But it's probably just me fantasizing. But if you already have one of the retina iPads, put on your RealD glasses while surfing to a website with bright background. If you see stripes, please tell me, because then it uses a quarterwave plate interlaced pattern.